Freight Invoice Audit & Payment

Freight Invoice Audit & Payment

Manual invoice audits and vendor settlement is laborious and prone to human error. This old way is inefficient and often results in misplaced invoices and delays in payment. Delayed payments make it difficult to accurately forecast monthly cash requirements.

Automate mundane, repetitive tasks

Transportation carriers are typically great at hauling or shipping but they are slow to invoice and the invoices are often incorrect or incomplete, creating delays and unnecessary communication breakdowns. This is an industry-wide pain point.

Manual invoice review is time-consuming. Errors and omissions are high. Disparate systems lack a single pane of glass view. An automated freight invoice and payment system can overcome these problems on both ends of the payment cycle.

Marex takes an automated approach to invoice audit and settlement. We leverage modern-day back-office automation tools to process invoices in minutes versus days or weeks.

Automated systems effectively perform tasks and free employee time for value-added activities;

Freight audit and payment (FAP) challenges

Why are freight audit and payment systems so complex?

A well-designed FAP system eradicates these problems, automating many of the mundane tasks, and checking against computerized data as approved by management. A FAP automatically promotes digital documents along to the next step of the approval funnel.

The consequences of failed or delayed freight audit and payment systems

The consequences of failed or delayed payment are severe.

Freight Auditing and Payment (FAP) Solutions

Your business can benefit enormously from the installation of an automated freight auditing and payment solution. Off the shelf or specifically designed for your business a FAP offers you the following advantages: